Brush Removal

Serving Athens, Georgia and surrounding communities

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Trusted Brush Removal Company in Athens, Georgia

When you’re looking for a brush removal service, you want to make sure that the company you choose is committed to providing the best possible service. To Do Land Management, LLC is a company in Athens, Georgia, that provides brush removal services to homeowners and businesses throughout the area.

We have the right equipment for your project

Brush removal is a messy and time-consuming job that can be a headache to do yourself. Even if you have the right equipment, it’s easy to miss some of the trees and get tangled up in bushes.

We have access to a sharp ax and a smaller hatchet that allows us to hack a way through thick brush and shrubs and chainsaws for bigger trees.

Some of our tools are:

Brush Grubber


Pruning Tools

Rotary Cutter

Root Grapple

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you get rid of unwanted shrubs and brush on your property.

Our services include:

Brush Removal

Shrub Removal

Brush Clearing

Brush Grubbing